Unlocking Sound Health: A Comprehensive Guide to Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA)
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Hearing is one of the vital senses of the human body. A healthy hearing mechanism is essential for day to day communication and living in society. The evaluation of hearing is done using a non invasive test known as Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) and is commonly available in all audiology /lear clinics as well as hospitals.
The Importance of Ear Cleaning
A clean ear canal is a prerequisite to a PTA. Otoscopy is done before any PTA to check the condition of the ear canal and the eardrum. if there is earwax blocking the ear canal, this will result in a wrong test result hence it is mandatory to do ear cleaning before the PTA is done in such cases
What is Pure Tone Audiometry?
Pure Tone Audiometry is a very basic non-invasive test done to evaluate your hearing thresholds at different sound frequencies within the speech frequency range. The test determines the ability to hear the softest sound at different low to high frequencies and is done using a calibrated Audiometer. Pure Tone Audiometry test results are graphically plotted on an Audiogram with an interpretation of the hearing levels.
The Pure Tone Audiometry Test Procedure
Pure Tone Audiometry Test is usually carried out in a sound treated room/booth to avoid any influence of external sounds. The sound treated room has an ambient noise level of less than 30dB SPL to ensure proper test results. Pure Tone Audiometry test procedure comprises of presenting sounds of different frequencies at different intensity levels through a headphone to the subjects ears. The subject is instructed to respond to the softest sound they can hear. Pure Tone Audiometry Test is usually carried out in a sound treated room/booth to avoid any influence of external sounds. The sound treated room has an ambient noise level of less than 30 dB SPL.
There are two modes of presentation – Air conduction through a headphone fitted on the ears and Bone conduction through a bone vibrator placed on the mastoid bone.
The tester varies the intensity levels and uses a bracketing method to identify the hearing threshold at each frequency based on the response of the subject to the presented tone. Both right and left ears are tested individually using a similar procedure. In case required, masking would be done using noise in the opposite ear.
Once all frequencies have been tested, the threshold levels are marked for the Right and left ears individually in Red and Blue respectively, on an audiogram report.
Pure Tone Audiometry Test Price
The Pure Tone audiometry PTA test price varies generally between Rs. 500-1500 depending on the location and test protocol.
Audiometry Tests Near Me
Pure Tone Audiometry test can be done at Quality Hearing Care at Vile Parle and Andheri Lokhandwala by certified audiologists.
Pure Tone Audiometry is a basic non invasive evaluation of the hearing level of an individual and can be carried out in under 30 minutes in any audiology / ear clinic or hospital.
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